Would you like to join our scheme and receive a weekly bag of delicious seasonal organic fruit and veg? Help support our farmers who protect our soil? Buy from a local social enterprise that's not for profit?
If you can't see a pick up point near you, then here's some good news....
Below are new and returning pick up points that will be joining us in the coming weeks. We are working on the details with them and it would be great if we had an idea of numbers.
Interested? Please email us at [email protected] and we'll get in touch when we are ready to launch.
Otherwise, you can sign up now to one of our existing pick up locations and transfer later.
For existing pick up points that are full we are running waiting lists. Email us at [email protected] to be added and we will let you know when a space becomes available at:
19 Leegate, Lee, London, SE12 8SS
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07474 576 012