Your payments are monthly in advance paid during the first week of the month. If you join part way through a month the first payment will be taken shortly after sign up for the bags until the end of that month.
You can cancel your subscription at any time by sending us an email and your subscription will terminate at the end of the month that bags are paid up to.
Please ensure you have a valid email and UK phone number so we can contact you regarding your bags or subscription.
The payment amounts will vary according to how many bags you receive in that month. Months can have 4 or 5 Thursday deliveries less any holidays registered.
A welcome email will be sent immdiately after sign up. This will detail collection instructions and other important information - please read it carefully. If you do not receive it check your email junk / spam folder and add us to your safe list.
On Thursdays you will receive our weekly newsletter with the veg bag contents, recipies and service essential information. The weekly newsletter will be sent every week, even when you have a bag break/holiday.
To register a bag break or holiday you must log in to your Lee Greens account on the website by 10am Thursday, at the latest, for the week ahead so we don't order veg for you. After the Thursday deadline you will be charged. Your account will be credited for the holiday week(s) registered by the deadline and the amount will be reflected in the following month's payment. From your Lee Greens account you can change bag type, pick up point, bank account and personal details.
If you miss the Thursday cut off time and/or cannot pick up your bag we will not be able to refund you because the veg for your bag will have been ordered. If this happens you can ask a friend to collect it or let us know by Wednsday and we can donate it to one of the charities we support.
If your bag is not at the designated pick up, the wrong size or missing an item let us know by email anytime or call us as soon as possible up until Friday night. We will do our best to make it up to you, with extra veg the following week.
If at anytime you are unhappy with the quaility of the veg or the service you receive please let us know as soon as possible with details so we can try to rectify the issue.
If we are unable to supply your veg bag for any reason, we will inform you by email as soon as we can.
Due to nature of organic farming and small farm suppliers' availability we may change the bag contents at short notice.