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Our values

Our Values

Lee Greens was founded on three core values: Community, Healthy Eating, Environment.  We uphold these values in everything we do.

Lead packer Vanessa (left) and driver Dave delivering to a pick-up (right)

Lead packer Vanessa (L) and driver Dave delivering to a pick-up (R)

Through our pick-up model, we partner with other like-minded local businesses to support one another and encourage local people to do the same. Through partner charities, we donate surplus fruit and veg to those in need in the area: refugees, and those on a low income. We also support many local events such as cookery or nutrition sessions by donating produce. We have dozens of volunteers who help out with packing our bags each week. They have found the weekly pack to be an enjoyable opportunity to socialise and for some of them it's proved invaluable for supporting their mental health.

Our seasonal carrots (top) and Lee Greens carrot recipe (bottom)

Our seasonal carrots (top) and Lee Greens carrot recipe (bottom)

We are committed to deliver seasonal, organic produce which is great for our customers' health and well-being. Our recipe suggestions, in our weekly newsletter, and on our website, encourage residents to sample new vegetables or try new ways to prepare familiar favourites. 

One of our veg suppliers, Sarah Green

One of our veg suppliers, Sarah Green

Each week, we order produce from small farmers who are as local as possible. These suppliers grow vegetables in a sustainable manner, improving soil health and encouraging biodiversity. This is really important to us because we know it will help to address the climate emergency. When we need to source produce from further afield, we never air-freight and we use trusted wholesalers with similar values. For delivery into London we use a shared hub from our suppliers to avoid duplicating transport. Our pick-up model also helps to minimise food miles as we don't deliver to individual households.

For more details of how our values impact our work, read the About Us page.