The potential of the Autumn Equinox

13th September 2017
The potential of the Autumn Equinox

With a little more than a week before the Autumn Equinox on the 22 September, its time to prepare ourselves for the changes it brings to our energy levels, our emotions and our feeling of wellness.  The Autumn Equinox heralds a time of energetic contraction, the reverse to what we feel in Spring.  The four corner stones to supporting ourselves through this are; 1. Hydration, 2. Consume seasonal organic produce, 3. Review your food quality and 4. To take time to balance and reflect on life.  Enjoy the copper colour and crunch of the leaves and ‘go gently’ with the Autumn Equinox.
To read full article head to Paula's articles
Paula Sharp is a Nutritional Therapist in Lee Green, SE London.