Lee Greens is a small local scheme, and we rely on the help of a group of loyal volunteers to help bag up your bags each week. Truth, you wouldn’t have your veg if it wasn’t for them. So we decided to ask them a few questions
Why did you decided to become involved with Lee Greens?
Kasia: I love food (and I have a food blog too) and vegetables so getting involved felt like a great idea. I love learning what to do with new vegetables and getting creative with my weekly bag. It’s also great to be involved with a community initiative.
Anna: I now have time to volunteer and it’s a great way to do something local which I care about. I want to help give my kids a healthy attitude to food.
What does eating seasonally and organic mean to you?
Kasia: I’m currently training to be a yoga teacher and during my training have had an introduction to Ayurveda nutrition. The philosophy explains we are aligned with nature, so organic and seasonal food is what the body knows it needs. It makes sense!
Anna: It’s so important to eat seasonally; I don’t want my veg to have travelled further than I’ve travelled. It’s also great to support out farmers who work really hard. I also think its better for us, and our children eating foods without added chemicals.
What’s your favourite vegetable?
Kasia: Kale
Anna: Squash or roasted parsnips (editor – that’s 2 and cheating!)
What’s your signature dish?
Kasia: Pasta with smoked salmon and vegetables like kale, broccoli, peas, green beans. I usually use a mix of wholemeal and white pasta. I finish it off with cream and lemon juice and fresh dill. The basic recipe is on my blog http://cookingmehappy.blogspot.co.uk/201.... I also love baking cakes.
Anna: Roasted veg such as beetroot or squash, tossed through cous-cous with crumbled feta, pomegranate and rocket.
Do you have any top South East London tips?
Kasia: Northbrook Park in Lee, also the Pink Willow Equestrian Centre nearby.
Anna: The Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park
19 Leegate, Lee, London, SE12 8SS
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07474 576 012