What makes broccoli so good?

18th October 2016
What makes broccoli so good?

Over the last weeks we’ve been talking about immune boosting for the cold seasons how to do this – juicing, fermenting and thinking medicinally about food.  How does broccoli fit into this picture?
It’s not new news that broccoli falls under the ‘SuperFood Banner’.  But a majority of people just don’t know why?  The answer comes in the sulphuric smell (just like cabbage, kale, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts).  The sulphur compounds that protect the plant also protect us and give it a slightly bitter flavour.  In broccoli this is incredibly high.  Converted by the ‘good bacteria’ in our digestive systems into sulforaphane this boots our antioxidant defences into motion, via the liver and other tissues.  It’s sulforaphane that plays an active part in our cellular DNA structure, by encouraging gene activity.  We see reduced oxidization helping with inflammation and therefore prevent chronic illness, like heart disease, but its other quality is as a cancer preventive.  It increases the enzymes that eradicate carcinogens and seeks and destroys abnormal cells.   All of which can be cancer precursors given the right environment.  Research suggests that it can also aid in tumour size reduction. Another perfect symphony orchestrated by the body.
When you eat your broccoli know that besides it being a good source of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, calcium and high in fibre, it also works as an antioxidant, helps lower inflammation and it is great for your DNA (therefore your gene pool!) – all from inside the cells and out.
Paula Sharp is a qualified Natural Nutritionist, living and working in Lee Green.  She works with her clients to promote optimal health and energy.  For consultations she can be contacted on 0778 662 1251 or [email protected]